Monday, August 22, 2005

I honestly think that skunks talk to fairies.
Now you might think this weird but on my walk with B this evening, I heard what could only be described as a giggling fairy voice being carried by the winds. It stopped me dead in my tracks. The voice stopped with our movement and there was a silence that made me stop and think that I was imagining things. But before we started walking I heard the most innocent giggle and bubbly giggly noise from just in front of us. Not knowing what it was I froze and made B sit down beside me. Then out from the bottom of a shrub no more than 5 feet away, wobbled out a skunk chattering and giggling away. He/She crossed the street and on their merry little way all the while giggling and chatting in the funniest little voice. B was as mesmerized as I was and didn't make a sound during this whole affair. He didn't growl or make a single effort to move. Maybe he recognized the skunk for what it was. Or perhaps he was lured by the beguiling fairy voice held on the late summer breeze. In any event, the fairies were out last night and keeping our new friend highly entertained.


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