The craziest people walk by my office window. I face the street on the third floor so the view isn't all that bad. When Ron and I have breakfast we've taken to naming some of the people that walk by. There's Mr. Hot Pants, Ms. I-Don't-Know-How-To-Walk-In-Flats, Ms. Michaelalookalike, Ms. SheMan, Mr. DyedMoustache and many others. Those are some of the morning walkers. During the rest of the day there seems to be a constant stream of people. I haven't taken to naming any of them but as an example of names I could use there'd be Mr. Idon'tknowwho'sbehindmesoIhavetokeepturingaround, Ms. ThrowmyhandsintheairasItalk, Ms. Sweatysweaterson, Mr. Ican'tseeanythingbecausemyhairissoooooolong. I know I'm not any better. I'm sure when I take B out for his stroll there are people looking out of their windows putting a name on me. There goes Mr. Mincewithfluffydog or Mr. Largemanwithpanda.
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